Our people, who perform their work dedicated to the achievement of our Group targets, enjoy a series of important additional benefits, that among others involve:

Additional Medical Care

Possibility to grant additional 6-month maternity leave on top of the legally defined one, after agreement with the employer

Annual health check-up

Blood bank for the personnel and their families

Discount on all products and services of our Group for our employees and their relatives.

Special prices for products and services of the Group’s collaborators-suppliers for the personnel

Commission or yearly bonus scheme in addition to the basic salary

Parking space for all our employees inside our premises

Equipment for working from home, depending on the job position

Coverage of permanent or temporary disability risk

Modern and Pleasant Work Environment

Company vehicle, depending on the position level or the work object

Voluntary Pension Scheme, the employer covering the annual administrative expenses

Training days of our people on subjects of interest for them and their families (e.g. breast cancer, health food, savings, first aid, etc.)

Presents to children of our Group’s employees (e.g. school bag for 1st grade elementary school children, award for succeeding in entering a University School)

Life Insurance

Food coupons to all employees at Christmas